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Young Entrepreneurs 2.0

Young entrepreneurs lack experience building, strengthening, and leading organizations that have the potential to achieve high performance financial goals.  Consequently, the focus of the Young Entrepreneurs 2.0 module will initially focus on the keys of doing business.  We will look at the business environment and barriers that young people face entering markets from industry-to-industry to refine our work as needed as timely as possible.

Starting a business from scratch can be perilous journey.  Starting from experience can make the (ad)venture easier, because an entrepreneur can avoid the mistakes others have made in the past.  Doing business is not particularly difficult, however staying abreast of all the complexities and uncertainties requires expert advice.  

We will address the how and why of key aspects that lead to success such as business formation, mobilizing resources, conducting market research, developing products or services, launching a business, and other topics.  No topic is more important than learning, growing, and exploring the area of business that interests you the most.  Today, the best businesses work collaboratively in teams.