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Coaching & Small Business Fitness

The Small Business Concierge Communications & Digital Media provides a small business fitness center that guides you through the five stages of small business development. Your small business fitness is our top priority. Our fusion between small business growth and mass exposure is an opportunity to build and grow. Small business owners need a coach. Our small business fitness center will help you develop your business acumen. The Business Development Membership Growth Plan provides coaching services, resources, and tools to keep you moving steadily along the entrepreneurship path. It is a suite of fitness services at a steal. That includes a FREE full-page advertisement in the SBC Digital Catalog, helping small businesses create a competitive advantage. It is time for small businesses to go from localizing to globalizing. Keep your business relevant when the ebbs and flows of the economy, pandemics, and unforeseen try to impact your business's future. Use our Small Business Concierge Digital Magazine to leverage and showcase your business to the world. The pandemic taught small businesses that accessing the world increases their ability to stay relevant and in business. We got the best of both worlds business development and mass exposure. Investing in a Business Development Growth Plan is a must-have.    

Our Small Business Concierge Digital Catalog is a pairing with the Small Business Concierge Magazine. The SBC Digital Catalog is an on-demand shopping and customer purchase catalog. If you loved the old Sears and Roebucks catalog, you are in for a treat. We have kicked it up a notch. Sell your cash cow product or service with full descriptions, hyperlinks to your purchase platform, dynamic images, and videos driving customers to purchase on-demand. Create a digital marketing mix between the SBC magazine and the digital catalog to attract customers locally, nationally, and internationally. How badly do you want to grow your business and lead your industry?



Coaching Fitness Packages

Members are provided discounted rates through the member portal.

Newbie Startup Fitness & Coaching

newbie package

20 hours billed Monthly 10 hours (60 Day Plan)
  • Idea Assessment & Scope of Work Report
  • Coaching & Business Startup
  • Business Model Coaching
  • Business Plan Coaching
  • Financial Model Coaching
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Survival Fitness & Coaching

silver package

30 hours billed Monthly 10 hours (90 Day Plan)
  • Business Assessment & Scope of Work Report
  • Coaching & Business Survival Strategies
  • FREE Directory Listing in SBC Magazine
  • Government Contracting Coaching
  • 1/2 Page Full -Color Magazine Ad (value $1,746 mo.)
  • Radio Interview - 1/2 Show (value $999)
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